About Us

Club History
Augusta has had fencing in its history as far back as the 1780s when a Charles Chevalier had a fencing and dancing school.
The present Augusta Fencers Club was in existence (and held official tournaments) at least by the early 1970ʼs when Dr. Volkmann first organized fencing in Georgia as the Chairman of the Georgia Division from his then-base in Atlanta. On moving to Augusta to chair the music department of Paine College in 1987, Club President Michael Hennessey turned the club over to Dr. Volkmann.
For the next 13 years the club met on Thursday evenings in the studios of the Augusta Ballet School for classes and lessons; official tour- naments were held in the Paine College gymnasium and at the Warren Road Recreation Center.
In 2000, Dr. Volkmann retired from his college career, renovated the second floor of the building at 134 Ninth Street in downtown Augusta, and the club began meeting five nights a week. It was then one of only two competition sites in the state specifically dedicated to fencing with permanent strips and overhead scoring equipment.
In 2013 Dr. Volkmann and Assistant Coach, Collin McCoy, formed an LLC which purchased the building now housing the club on the corner of Fifth and Greene Streets. After working for a year and half on the renovations, the club opened for business at its present site at the intersection of Fifth and Greene Streets.

Physical Amenities
Located in the open space afforded by a renovated supermarket, the Augusta Fencers Clubʼs spacious competition floor has six full-sized competition strips in the main room and an additional grounded strip in the front room. The com- petition floor is “sprung,” supported by over a mile-and-a-half of pine 1 x 4ʼs in a triple-lattice configuration. All strips are supported by overhead reels and electronic scoring machines.
An armoury provides space and tools for weapons repair; exercise equipment and lockers are available; as are rest rooms and shower.

Foil, Sabres, Epees, Jackets, Lames, Jackets, and Masks are available for use in classes and lessons.

Bronze Plan -- Classes only $100.00 per month for one class weekly, $120 for two lessons weekly
Silver Plan -- Lessons only - lessons are billed at $30 each
Gold Plan -- Class(es) and lessons; class fees as above, lesson price reduced to $25 per lesson
Introductory classes (for Teens and Adults) are for 8 weeks for $165 with an immediate continuation of another 8-week course on successful completion of the first. Youth Introductory classes are 10 weeks for $200.
Free fencing is highly encouraged; the salle is open for free bouting for all members any time the club is open and there is no class in session. It is up to members to look over the club schedule for open times and to create networks of fellow-fencers with whom to practice.
There is a $10 floor fee for non-members of the Augusta Fencers Club.
Classes provide additional instruction, but the fine-tuning of fencing reflexes required for successful competition almost certainly requires private (one-on-one) instruction. And while the clubs classes are currently only for foil and epee fencers, private lessons are available in all three weapons. Lessons typically last 25 minutes and are individually scheduled with the preferred Coach.
Club Policies
Courtesy and respect for other members, guests, and the great traditions of fencing areexpected of all members.
All Augusta Fencers Club members must also be USFA members at some level.
All club members are expected to make progress towards owning their own equipment. Club members are also expected to keep their equipment clean and in good working order.
Members are more than welcome to find their own equipment sources. All responsibility for such equipment is the memberʼs own, though we are happy to give advice on such purchases. Equipment is also available through the club. Typically our prices are the vendorʼs catalog prices, with the club picking up the shipping charges. Special orders may be an exception. The club assumes responsibility for equipment purchased through the club.
Access to the armoury is included in the club dues; members are highly encouraged to use their own tools. If the shop tools are used, all such tools must be returned to their proper storage slots; safety glasses must be worn when using grinders or electrical cutting tools; personal tools and/or equipment left in the shop (except for blades left in the acetone pipes) are subject to confiscation and a storage fee/fine. Small parts are available for purchase on the honor system. The exercise equipment is available for use by all members and parents. Please use this responsibly -- children using the equipment must be supervised. Instruction in the use of the equipment is available on request.
Lockers are available for the storage of personal equipment for $10 per month. No personal equipment except that in the shop for repairs or in one of the rented lockers may be left in the club overnight. Lockers and their contents must be kept clean.
Weapon-specific classes are offered weekly; these consist of a combination of instructional exercises, partnered drills, and supervised competitive fencing. Participants are encouraged to stay after class and continue to free-fence. Any and all youth fencers are welcome to also participate in the adult class at no extra charge.
Private lessons are 25 minutes in length and are generally scheduled weekly in consultation with the instructor. Students are financially responsible for whatever time-slot has been arranged for.
Bills are posted at the beginning of each month, and are due at the first meeting of each month.

Augusta Fencers Club is part of the Georgia Division of the United States Fencing Association. The USFA is part of Federation Internationale d'Escrime, the international body of fencing for the world.
All tournaments can be registered on AskFred.